Florida’s Water and Land Legacy

Dear FLTWS Members,

Protecting our waters, natural areas, and wildlife are fundamental to the goals and vision of the Florida Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Please consider helping us help Florida’s Water and Land Legacy Campaign place a critical conservation amendment on the November 2014 ballot. 


The coming months offer the most productive signature gathering opportunities during this campaign while festivals are happening around the state. Volunteers are needed now to sit at tables and ask festival participants to sign petitions.


There is less than one year to gather the remaining 480,000 volunteer signatures needed to put the Water and Land Conservation Amendment on the 2014 ballot.  Right now, the most important thing you can do to protect our rivers, springs, beaches, and wildlife is to volunteer.  


Please visit Florida’s Water and Land Legacy website (http://floridawaterlandlegacy.org/) to learn more about the campaign and sign up to volunteer today.


Thank you,

Becky Bolt

FLTWS Conservation Committee Chairperson