Congratulations to our SE Section Field Course Scholarship Winner!

We are pleased to announce that Raina Meyers is the recipient of the 3rd annual Field Course Tuition scholarship offered by the Florida Chapter of The Wildlife Society (TWS). The course is administered by the Southeastern Section of TWS. Raina is a senior at FSU, majoring in Environmental Science and Policy.

Raina’s long-term career goal is to work with endangered species as a wildlife biologist. She is also very interested in education and outreach about wildlife. As a Humane Society volunteer, she has educated many about the proper care for and protection of animals.

The FLTWS SE Section Field Course Tuition Scholarship was established in 2020 to sponsor a student in Florida wildlife to attend the 2-week intensive Wildlife and Forestry Techniques Course, held each year in June at the Jones Ecological Research Center in Georgia. Postponed for several years by the pandemic, the Field Course was first implemented in June 2022. Topics covered in the course include wildlife surveys, animal capture and handling, vegetation monitoring, forestry measurements, prescribed fire, firearms safety, animal tracking, heavy equipment operation, orienteering/map reading, invertebrate sampling, radiotelemetry, necropsy, bird identification/surveys, mist netting, acoustic recorders, camera traps, scent stations, herp arrays, predator exclosures, wildlife diseases, and game management, among other topics.

The award provides tuition and travel expenses to an undergraduate student majoring in Biology or Wildlife in Florida who has not had sufficient opportunity for field-based experiential learning about wildlife techniques. Applicants are assessed based on professional potential, personal goals, and explanation of obstacles to gaining field experience, and initiative to overcome them. As this year’s recipient, Raina will attend the SE Section Wildlife & Forestry Field Techniques Course during 12-25 June 2023 and receive a complimentary membership to FLTWS and TWS.

Monica Folk

Chair, FLTWS Scholarship Committee